
creature comforts creature comforts = good cre...


Herbert ponting , looking like fraternity brothers in a dormitory , members of scott ' s terra nova expedition savor various creature comforts in their snug pre - fabricated winter quarters at antarctica ' s ross island , as they await spring and their final assault on the south pole 赫伯特?龐丁,在南極洲的羅斯島,一支南極探險隊的成員住在溫暖的、預先建造的過冬營房中,他們以各種方式享受著生活,宿舍里的成員就象親兄弟一樣,他們準備在春天登上南極點。

Bentham appreciated his creature comforts : according to negley harte , the university of london ' s historian , his embalmed body wears a pair of knitted underpants , unlike most of his contemporaries , who simply tucked their shirt - tails between their legs 邊沁欣賞著他的物質享受:據倫敦大學的歷史學家萊格利?哈特所說,他的經過防腐處理的尸體穿著一條針織內褲,而絕大多數與他同時代的人僅僅把他們的襯衫下擺塞進兩腿之間。

Hsia also mentions the progress taiwan has made in housing issues . “ people used to live in small rooms and share kitchens and bathrooms with the neighbors , but today people in taiwan own bigger houses and enjoy many convenient creature comforts 在住的方面,夏正鐘說:以前的人居住空間較小,有些家庭還需與人共用廚房浴廁,現在的人則享有較大的居住空間及方便的電器設備。

The research was launched in 1990 and came to an end in 2007 , to find the basic values of guangzhouers , involving their view on health , family , marriage , love , wealth , career , creature comfort and social responsibility 該項調查始于1990年,于2007年結束,旨在了解廣州人的基本價值觀,包括健康、家庭、愛情、事業、物質享受及社會責任。

She would care for him with creature comforts too for gerty was womanly wise and knew that a mere man liked that feeling of hominess 她也會照顧他,使他衣食上舒適。格蒂憑著她那份婦道人家的智慧,曉得但凡是個男人,都喜歡那種家庭氣氛。